Unpaid Adult Carer Eligibility Criteria

The Carers (Scotland) Act 2016 requires us to develop local eligibility criteria.  Where unpaid carers have eligible needs that meet these criteria, there is a duty to provide support. There is a power to provide support to meet other needs that are identified.

The legislation envisages a preventative approach will be taken when support is planned. The government issued a suite of indicators which summarise the impact of the caring role, to support decision making on eligibility.  These indicators link closely to the outcomes which form the basis of an adult carer support plan.

The document outlines the process to be followed to determine an unpaid carer's identified needs and whether there is a duty or power to provide support to meet them. It will ensure a clear and transparent system to determine eligibility so that unpaid adult carers in Renfrewshire are appropriately supported.

The eligibility criteria focus on the impact of the caring role on the unpaid carer and the associated risks if this impact is not reduced. When assessing this, the following questions should be considered:

  • Is the caring role sustainable?
  • How great is the risk that the caring role will become unsustainable?

In Renfrewshire there is a duty to provide support when the level of impact (and risk) is "Critical" or "Substantial".  The aim is to reduce the impact to a manageable level for the unpaid carer.  Unpaid carers can request a new adult carer support plan if they believe their circumstances have changed.

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