Physiotherapists provide a service for patients with a wide range of health conditions, using a variety of therapies and techniques.

Their aim is to restore function, maximise independence and assist in improving quality of life by careful assessment, direct treatment, advice and education, working with patients to achieve mutually agreed goals.
Working in both hospital and community-based locations, physiotherapists are part of a multidisciplinary/multiagency team including, among others, social work, care providers, voluntary services and local authorities.
They treat adults and children who are suffering from:
• acute injuries
• musculoskeletal problems
• deteriorating mobility
• respiratory conditions
• stroke and other neurological problems
• learning disabilities
• mental health problems.
Advice and information to help you manage muscle injuries, joint or back problems are available on the NHS Inform website.
In order to refer yourself to MSK physiotherapy please complete our self referral form and take it to your local physiotherapy department. Forms are also available from GP surgeries and physiotherapy departments.
Departments are open Monday to Friday 8.30am-4.30pm.
Renfrew Health & Social Work Centre
10 Ferry Road, Renfrew
Johnstone Health Centre
60 Quarry Street, Johnstone
Royal Alexandra Hospital
Corsebar Road, Paisley
Later clinics are available at some sites, these are subject to change.
If the department is closed please leave your completed referral in the post box provided.