
Play is one of the most important parts of childhood and promotes your child's wellbeing, health and development.

Staying Healthy / Family Eating

Playing with your little one should be lots of fun - your child learns so much from playing with you, and it helps him or her to grow and develop. It also helps the bond between you grow and can help them to eat and sleep well as they use up more energy.

There are many ways you can play with your child to help them develop. Reading to your child is one of the best ways to help them learn - your child loves to listen to your voice.

The more words your child hears each day, the better and even a sing song or a little chat will help their speech.  Your child will always think you are a great singer, so don't be shy!

You don't need to spend money to have fun with your child - there are lots of ways to enjoy some free fun.  Here are some great ideas:

  • bubble fun during bath time - you can make your own bubbles with soapy liquid
  • building towers with old margarine tubs and small food boxes
  • peek-a-boo
  • action songs such as Row, Row, Row Your Boat
  • little helper - encourage your child to learn by putting a washing in, matching socks or doing the dishes
  • farm animals - imitate animal sounds and actions
  • a walk in the park to see the leaves on the trees or ducks in the pond and even the clouds in the sky will fascinate your child.  The world around us is amazing to them!

If you'd like more information or support, get in touch with your health visitor.

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